099. Rasmussen, S.W. Debat om ledighed i Danmark. Essaysamling 1 - 80 under titlen: "Mine kommentarer". Published on the Internet 2007-2010
at http://www.checkjobnet.dk/
098. Rasmussen, S.W. CheckJobnet 7.5. En gave til danske ledige. Programmet besøger
automatisk www.jobnet.dk med valgfrie intervaller. Published on the Internet 2007-2009
at http://www.checkjobnet.dk/.
097. Rasmussen, S.W. Small Database Utility 8.0. A small fully configurable database.
Published on the Internet 2007-2010
at Planet
Source Code.
096. Rasmussen, S.W. ColorMate 5.01. A program for managing, editing and storing color
information for website design. Published on the Internet 2006-2009
at http://www.swr.dk/software/02_00_colormate.php.
095. Rasmussen, S.W., Lolland-Falster Links. Et forslag til koordineret markedsføring af Lolland-Falster
regionen på Internettet. 2004. Published on the internet
at http://www.lollandfalster-links.dk/lollandfalster-links_projekt.htm. 094. Rasmussen, S.W., Krone, F. and Rasmussen, N.T.,
Lolland-Falster Links. A web portal promoting
Lolland-Falster on the Internet. 2004-2007. Published on the internet at http://www.lollandfalster-links.dk. 093. Rasmussen, S.W.,
SEQtools, a software package for analysis of nucleotide and protein sequences. 2002-2009.
Published on the internet at http://www.seqtools.dk.
092. Pedersen, C., Rasmussen,
S.W., Giese, H. A genetic map of Blumeria graminis based on functional genes, avirulence
genes, and molecular markers. Fungal Gen. Biol., 35, 235-246, 2002
091. Thomas, S.W., Glaring,
M.A., Rasmussen, S.W., Kinane, J.T. and Oliver, R.P. Transcript profiling during development
of the obligate plant pathogen Blumeria graminis using serial analysis of gene expression
(SAGE). Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 15, 847-856, 2002
090. Rasmussen, S.W.,
DNATools, a software package for analysis of nucleotide and protein sequences. 1998-2001.
Published on the internet at http://www.dnatools.dk (the website has been terminated)
089. Thomas, S.W., Rasmussen,
S.W., Glaring, M.A., Rouster, J.A., Christiansen, S.K. and Oliver, R.P. Gene identification in
the obligate fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis by expressed sequence tag analysis. Fungal
Genet. Biol. 33, 195-211, 2001
088. Hall, A.A., Bindslev,
L., Rouster, J. Rasmussen, S.W., Oliver, R.P. and Gurr, S.J. Involvment of cAMP and protein
kinase A in conidial differentiation by Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei. Mol. Plant-Microbe
Interact. 12, 960-968, 1999
087. Kiel, J.A., Hilbrands, R.E., van der Klei, I.J., Rasmussen, S.W., Salomons, F.A., van der Heide, M., Faber, K.N., Cregg, J.M. and Veenhuis, M. Hansenula polymorpha Pex1p and Pex6p are peroxisome-associated AAA proteins that functionally and physically interact. Yeast 15, 1059-78, 1999 086. van der Klei IJ,
Hilbrands RE, Kiel JA, Rasmussen, SW, Cregg JM, Veenhuis M. The ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme
Pex4p of Hansenula polymorpha is required for efficient functioning of the PTS1 import
machinery. EMBO J 17, 3608-18, 1998
085. Jacq,C., Rasmussen, S.W.
and nn other authors. The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from chromosome IV.
Nature 387 (6632 suppl), 75-78, 1997
084. Baerends, R.J.S.,
Rasmussen, S.W., Hilbrands, R.E. Heide, M. van der, Faber, K.N., Reuvekamp, P., Kiel,
J.A.K.W., Cregg, J.M., Klei, I.J. van der and Veenhuis, M. The Hansenula polymorpha PER9 gene
encodes a peroxisomal membrane protein, essential for peroxisome assembly and intregrity. J
Biol Chem 12;271, 8887-94, 1996
083. Galibert, F., Rasmussen,
S.W., Wettstein, D.von and nn other authors. Complete nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae chromosome X. Embo J 15,2031-49 1996.
082. Rasmussen, S.W.: A 37.5
kb region of yeast chromosome X includes the SME1, MEF2, GSH1 and CSD3 genes, a TCP‑1‑related
gene, an open reading frame similar to the DAL80 gene, and a tRNA(Arg). Yeast 11, 873‑883,
081. Rasmussen, S.W. & D. von
Wettstein: Sequence of clone 3 lD11, left arm of chromosome IV. Abstr. BIOTECH Meeting of the
"Yeast Genome Sequencing Network", Lisboa, June 8‑10, 1995.
080. Rasmussen, S.W. & D. von Wettstein: Sequence of clone p59, chromosome X. Proc. Yeast Genome Sequencing Network,
Manchester, February 26 - March 1, 1994, pp. 62‑63. 1994
079. Rasmussen, S.W.:
Sequence of a 28.6 kb region of yeast chromosome XI includes the FBA1 and TOA2 "enes, an open
reading frame (ORF) similar to a translationally controlled tumor protein, one ORF containing
motifs also found in plant storage proteins and 13 ORFs with weak or no homology to known
proteins. Yeast 10, 63‑68, 1994.
078. Rasmussen, S.W.:
Sequence of a 20.7 kb region of yeast chromosome XI includes the NUP100 gene, an open reading
frame (ORF) possibly representing a nucleoside diphosphate kinase gene, tRNAs for his, val and
trp in addition to seven ORFs with weak or no significant similarity to known proteins. Yeast
10, 69‑74, 1994.
077. Dujon, B., S.W.
Rasmussen, D. von Wettstein and nn other authors: Complete DNA sequence of yeast chromosome
XI. Nature 369, 371‑378, 1994.
076. Rasmussen, S.W. & D. von
Wettstein: Verification of the chromosome XI sequence. Abstr. Bridge‑Biotech Yeast Genome
Sequencing Meeting. Louvain‑la‑Neuve (B), April 4‑6, 1993, p. 38. 1993.
075. Rasmussen, S.W. & D. von
Wettstein: Nucleotide sequence of yeast chromosome XI, cosmid clones pUKG148 and pUKG080.
Proc. IInd BRIDGE meeting on "Sequencing the Yeast Genome", Munich, October 18‑20, 1992, pp.
68‑70 1992.
074. Oliver, S.G., S.W.
Rasmussen, D. von Wettstein & 144 other authors: The complete DNA sequence of yeast chromosome
III. Nature 357, 38‑46, 1992.
073. Rasmussen, S.W., A.
Friberg & D. von Wettstein: Nucleotide sequence of yeast chromosome XI, cosmid clone ukgl48.
Abstr. Proc. 1st BRIDGE meeting on "Sequencing the yeast chromosomes II & XI". Brugge (B),
Sept. 22‑24, 1991, pp. 7778. 1991.
072. Wettstein, D. von, M.
Bojko, J. Glamann, P.B. Holm, S.W. Rasmussen, X. Wang & B. Wischmann: Chromosome pairing and
disjunction in human meiosis. Final Report. Radiation Protection Programme. Commission of the
European Communities. 1990.
071. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosome pairing, crossing over and disjunction in human meiosis.
Final Report 1985‑1989. Programme Radiation Protection. Comm. Europ. Commun. 1990.
070. Bojko, M., Rasmussen,
S.W. & Wettstein, D. von Sequencing of yeast chromosome III fragmenta J1 OA and p78 IInd
Meeting of the European Network in Charge of Sequencing the Yeast Chromosome III', 1990, Den
Haag (NL) 58 1990.
069. Wettstein, D. von, S.W.
Rasmussen, & B. Wischmann: Chromosome pairing, crossing over and disjunction in human meiosis .
Radiati on Protection Programme, Progress Report 1988. Commission of the European Communities,
KUR 12064 1989, p. 1473‑1479. 1989.
068. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosome pairing, crossing over and disjunction in human meiosis.
Ann. Rep. 1988. Programme Radiation Protection. Comm. Europ. Commun. 1989.
067. Bojko, M., C. Bornæs,
S.W. Rasmussen, S. Holmberg & J.G.L. Petersen: Sequencing of the CHAI region proximal to the
HML locus. BAP Meeting on "Sequencing of Yeast Chromosome III", Tutzing, BRD. Oct. 31 ‑ Nov.
2, 1989.
066. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosome pairing, crossing over and disjunction in human meiosis.
Ann. Rep. 1987. Programme Radiation Protection. Comm. Europ. Commun. 1988
065. Wettstein, D. von, S.W.
Rasmussen, P.B. Holm, X. Wang, B. Wischmann & J. Glamann: Chromosome pairing and disjunction
in human meiosis. EURATOM årsberetning 1987. Kommissionen for de Europæiske Fæellesskaber. KUR
11464 DE/EN/FR, p. 1295‑1301, 1987.
064. Rasmussen, S.W.
Chromosome pairing in autotetraploid Bombyx males. Inhibition of multivalent correction by
crossing over. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 52 211‑242, 1987.
063. Wettstein, D. von, P.B.
Holm, S.W. Rasmussen, X. Wang, B. Wischmann & J. Glamann : Chromosome pairing and disjunction
in human meiosis . EURATOM årsberetning 1986. Kommissionen for de Europæiske Fællesskaber. KUR
10953 DE/EN/FR, p. 1299‑1304. 1986.
062. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosome pairing, crossing over and disjunction in human meiosis.
Ann. Rep. 1986. Programme Radiation Protection. Comm. Europ. Commun. 1986
061. Rasmussen, S.W.
Initiation of synapsis and interlocking of chromosomes during zygotene in Bombyx
spermatocytes. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 51 401‑432, 1986.
060. Rasmussen, S.W.
Chromosome interlocking during synapsis ‑ a transient disorder. Tokay J. Exptl. Clin. Med. 11
437‑451, 1986.
059. Rasmussen, S.W.:
Bivalent formation ‑ A prerequisite for regular disjunction at meiosis. Abstr. Tokai Symp. on
Meiosis, Copenhagen, March 1986.
058. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosome pairing, crossing over and disiunction in human meiosis.
Ann. Rep. 1985. Programme Radiation Protection. Comm. Europ. Commun. 1985.
057. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Ultrastructural characterization of meiosis in the human male. 26th Meeting of Nordisk
Fertilitetsklub and NAFA, Reykjavik, Island 1985.
056. Wettstein, D. von,
Rasmussen, S.W. & Holm, P.B. The synaptonemal complex in genetic segregation. Ann. Rev. Genet.
18 331‑413 1984.
055. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosome pairing and disjunction in human meiosis. Ann Rep. 1984.
Programme Radiation Protection. Comm. Europ. Commun. 1984.
054. Rasmussen, S.W. & Holm,
P.B. The function of the synaptonemal complex. XVIII Int. Cong. Ent. Hamburg 1984.
053. Rasmussen, S.W. & Holm,
P.B. The synaptonemal complex, recombination nodules and chiasmata in human spermatocytes.
Controlling Events in Meiosis C.W. Evans & H.G. Dickinson Comp. Biol. Ltd., Cambridge 38
271‑292 1984.
052. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. The synaptonemal complex in chromosome pairing and disjunction. Chromosomes Today M.D.
Bennett, A. G. Gropp & U. Wolf George Allen & Unwin 8 104‑116 1984.
051. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosome pairing and disiunction in human meiosis. Ann. Rep. 1983.
Programme Radiation Protection. Comm. Europ. Commun. 1983.
050. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Human meiosis V. Substages of pachytene in human spermatocytes. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 48
351 ‑383, 1983.
049. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Human meiosis VII. Chiasma formation in human spermatocytes. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 48
415‑456, 1983.
048. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Human meiosis VI. Crossing over in human spermatocytes. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 48
385‑413, 1983.
047. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosome pairing and chiasma formation in human meiosis. Ann. Rep.
1981. Programme Radiation Protection, Comm. Europ. Commun., Brussels, Luxembourg. 10151020,
046. Rasmussen, S.W. & Holm,
P.B. Meiosis in the silkworm. Sericologia 22 105, 1982.
045. Rasmussen, S.W. & Holm,
P.B. The meiotic prophase in Bombyx mori. Insect Ultrastructure R.C. King & H. Akai Plenum
Press 1 61‑85, 1982.
044. Holm, P.B., Rasmussen,
S.W. & Wettstein, D. von Ultrastructural charaterization of the meiotic prophase. ‑ A tool in
the assessment of radiation damage in man. Mutation Res. 95 45‑59, 1982.
043. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Ultrastructural characterization of chromosome pairing and chiasma formation. Hereditas
042. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosome pairing and chiasma formation in human meiosis. Ann. Rep.
1981. Programme Radiation Protection, Comm. Europ. Commun. 1981.
041. Rasmussen, S.W., Holm,
P.B., Lu, B.C., Zickler, D. & Sage, J. Synaptonemal complex formation and distribution of
recombination nodules in pachytene trivalents of triploid Coprinus cinereus. Carlsberg Res.
Commun. 46 347‑360,1981.
040. Rasmussen, S.W.
Betydningen af det synaptonemale kompleks for homolog og ikkehomolog parring af kromosomer
samt for dannelsen af chiasmata. Disputats. Carlsberg Laboratorium, København 1981.
039. Rasmussen, S.W. & Holm,
P.B. Chromosome pairing and synaptonemal complex formation. Proc. XIV Int. Cong. Genet. MIR.
Publishers, Moscow 3/2 331‑342,1981.
038. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. The number and distribution of recombination nodules in human spermatocytes. Proc. XIV
Cong. Genet. MIR. Publishers, Moscow 3/2 317‑330, 1981.
037. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W., Zickler, D., Lu, B.C., & Sage, J. Chromosome pairing, recombination nodules and chiasma
formation in the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 46 305‑346, 1981.
036. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Chromosome pairing, crossing over, chiasma formation and disiunction as revealed by three
dimensjonal reconstructions. Int. Cell Biol. 1980‑1981 H.G. Schweiger Springer‑Verlag, Berlin,
Heidelberg 195‑204, 1981.
035. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosome pairing and chiasma formation in human meiosis. Progress
Report 1976‑ 1980. Programme Radiation Protection, Comm. Europ. Commun. Harwood Academic
Publishers, London, New York 597‑602, 1980.
034. Rasmussen, S.W.
Ultrastructure and function of the synaptonemal complex in Bombyx mori. XVI Int. Cong. Ent.
Japan, 1980.
033. Rasmussen, S.W. & Holm,
P.B. Mechanics of meiosis. Hereditas 97 187‑216, 1980.
032. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Chromosome pairing, recombination nodules and chiasma formation in diploid Bombyx
females. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 45 483‑548, 1980.
031. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Mechanics of meiosis as revealed by three dimensional reconstructions of nuclei. Europ.
J. Cell Biol. 22 23, 1980.
030. Berthelsen, J.G., Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Three ultrastructural markers on pachytene bivalents of human
spermatocytes. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 45 25‑28, 1980.
029. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosome pairing and chiasma formation in human meiosis. Ann. Rep.
1979. Programme Radiation Protection, Comm. Europ. Commun. 421‑424, 1979.
028. Rasmussen, S.W. & Holm,
P.B. Chromosome pairing in autotetraploid Bombyx mori females. Mechanism for exclusive
bivalent formation. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 44 101‑125, 1979.
027. Holm, P.B., Rasmussen,
S.W. & Wettstein, D. von The possible contribution of electron microscopy to the understanding
of the mechanisms of non‑disiunction in man. Mutation Res. 61 115‑119, 1979.
026. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. The synaptonemal complex and non‑disjunction in the human. Genetic Damage in Man Caused
by Environtal Agents. K. Berg Academic Press, New York 123‑124, 1979.
025. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosome pairing and chiasma formation in human meiosis. Ann. Rep.
1978. Programme Radiation Protection, Comm. Europ. Commun. Harwood Academic Publishers,
London, New York. 403406, 1978.
024. Rasmussen, S.W. The
synaptonemal complex and crossing over in Bombyx mori. XIV Int. Cong. Genet. Moscow, 1978.
023. Rasmussen, S.W. & Holm,
P.B. Human meiosis IV. The elimination of synaptonemal complex fragments from metaphase I
bivalents of human spermatocytes. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 43 423‑438, 1978.
022. Rasmussen, S.W. & Holm,
P.B. Human meiosis II. Chromosome pairing and recombination nodules in human spermatocytes.
Carlsberg Res. Commun. 43 275‑328, 1978
021. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Human meiosis III. Electron microscopical analysis of chromosome pairing in an individual
with a balanced translocation 46,XY,t(5p‑,22p+). Carlsberg Res. Commun. 43 329‑350, 1978.
020. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Electron microscopical analysis of chromosome pairing and chiasma formation in the human
male. XIV Int. Cong. Genet. Moscow, 1978.
019. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Karyotype analysis by reconstruction of synaptonemal complexes in human spermatocytes.
Clinical genetics Europ. Soc. of Human Genet. 13 121, 1978.
018. Carmi, P., Holm, P.B.,
Koltin, Y., Rasmussen, S.W., Sage, J. & Zickler, D. The pachytene karyotype of Schizophyllum
commune analyzed by three dimnsional reconstructions of synaptonemal complexes. Carlsberg Res.
Commun. 43 117‑132, 1978.
017. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosome pairing and chiasma formation in human meiosis. Ann Report
1977, Programme Radiation Protection, Comm.Europ. Commun. 1977.
016. Rasmussen. S.W.
Chromosome pairing in triploid females of Bombyx mori analyzed by three‑dimensional
reconstructions of synaptonemal complexes. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 42 163‑197 1977.
015. Rasmussen, S.W.
Ultrastructural analysis of meiotic chromosomes in Bombyx mori females. Helsinki Chromosome
Conference 1977.
014. Rasmussen, S.W. The
transformation of the synaptonemal complex into the 'elimination chromatin' in Bombyx mori
oocytes. Chromosoma 60 205‑221, 1977.
013. Rasmussen, S.W. Meiosis
in Bombyx mori females. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. 277 343‑350, 1977.
012. Holm, P.B., Rasmussen,
S.W. & Wettstein, D. von Chromosome pairing and chiasma formation in human meiosis. Contact
Group Meeting on Genetic Effects, Comm. Europ. Commun. 1977.
011. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Human meiosis I The human pachytene karyotype analyzed by three‑dimensional
reconstructions of the synaptonemal complex. Carlsberg Res. Commun. 42 283‑323, 1977.
010. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Three‑dimensional reconstructions of meiotic chromosomes in human spermatocytes.
Chromosomes Today vol. 6. A. de la Chapelle & M. Sorsa Elsevier/North‑Holland Biomedical
Press, Amsterdam 6 83‑94, 1977.
009. Holm, P.B. & Rasmussen,
S.W. Three‑dimensional reconstructions of meiotic chromosomes in human spermatocytes. Helsinki
Chromosome Conference 1977.
008. Wettstein, D. von, Holm,
P.B. & Rasmussen, S.W. Chromosme pairing and chiasma formation in human meiosis. Ann. Report
1976. Programme Radiation Protection, Comm. Europ. Commun. 319‑322, 1976
007. Rasmussen, S.W. The
meiotic prophase in Bombyx mori analyzed by threedimensional reconstructions of synaptonemal
complexes. Chromosoma 54 245‑293, 1976.
006. Rasmussen, S.W.
Ultrastructural studies of the c(3)G mutant of Drosophila melanogaster. Compt. Rend. Trav.
Lab. Carlsberg 40 163‑173, 1975.
005. Rasmussen, S.W.
Synaptonemal poly complexes in Drosophila melanogaster. Chromosoma 49 321‑331, 1975.
004. Rasmussen, S.W., Bulow,
A. & Holm, P.B. An improved method for making formvar film for electron microscopy. Science
tools 22 40, 1975.
003. Rasmussen, S.W. Studies
on the development of the synaptinemal complex in Drosophila melanogaster. Compt. Rend. Trav.
Lab. Carlsberg 39 443‑468, 1974.
002. Gillies, C.B.,
Rasmussen, S.W., Wettstein, D. von The synaptinemal complex in homologous and non‑homologous
pairing of chromosomes. Cold Spring Habor Symp. Quant. Biol. 38 1 I 7‑ 122, 1974.
001. Rasmussen, S.W.
Ultrastructural studies of spermatogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster Meigen. Z. f.
Zellforsch. 140 125‑144, 1973.